Case studies
The long-term relationships with our customers have proven to be just as important as we imagined. We have been trusted to deliver different solutions for many years to several of our successful customers.

Upgrade of the Litium platform to strengthen Nordic Waterproofing's digital presence

Simple stock replenishment with QR codes for Unident's dental clinics with app

Personal login for Textilhuset makes it easier for customers

Shorter time to market with higher quality for Gerdmans

Efficient solution with less manual work for Mölnlycke

The Customer Portal has Become Business Decisive for Ragn-Sells

Gerdmans increased sales with shelf configurator

Textilhuset's punchout for e-commerce via purchasing system

Lindex e-commerce gets logistics system that enables growth

Rörpojkarna launches web shop

Ragn-Sells' Customer Portal

3bits Integrates Swish for Easier Payments on Lindex.com





