With the customer portal, Solör has digitized waste management with a better overview

Waste management involves many different laws and regulations to comply with. Keeping all documentation and orders in order makes it easier for all the different employees who are involved. Everything from the customer, driver and administrator. When Solör Bioenergi wanted to digitize its manual waste management with various documents into a customer portal where everything can be administered more easily, 3bits was contacted. By using the 3bits Blueprint for the customer portal as a basis, the project could be carried out both cost-effectively and in a short time.

Solör customer portal

Solör Bioenergy Group is a leading player in renewable energy based on wood fuels with 900,000 users every day. They are located in 300 locations, mainly in Sweden and Norway, where they produce and distribute district heating, steam and electricity to homes, companies, public services and industries. Their activities also include energy recovery of impregnated wood and production of biofuel, as well as operation and maintenance of municipal and private VA facilities.

The customer portal is used to manage the waste in the large Raufoss industrial park in Norway. Some of the waste is collected by Solör from the customers and some is left by the customers themselves directly to Solör Bioenergi Utility Solutions, which then takes care of it.

Facilitates the flow

Before the project, a specification was drawn up together about what the different roles could do inside the portal and which reports would be created. It is possible to tailor 3bits Blueprint for customer portal to suit each unique business, even if several functions are included as standard.

Inside Solör's customer portal, you can, among other things:

  • Place and manage orders. In part, the customer can use the function themselves, but if the customer should call in, Solör's employees can easily place an order for the customer inside the portal. To facilitate ordering, you can only choose between the materials that are registered for the specific customer. With the Search order function, the customer can view their orders. For the driver, all orders that can be picked up now are automatically displayed.
  • Have control over the waste warehouse. For waste management, it is becoming increasingly important to be able to follow the waste from A to B. Various authorities have requirements for documentation. One is that they need to know how much waste is stored within the facility. Therefore, it is now clearly stated in the customer portal how many kg and liters of waste are currently in the waste warehouse at Solör.
  • Create reports. In Solör's case, there is, for example, order report, inventory report and delivery report inside the portal. It is also possible to differentiate which reports the customer or Solör should see and also regulate to only certain roles on Solör. When the report is generated, it is possible to make certain selection criteria before it is saved.
  • Create invoice documents. The invoice document is created automatically inside the customer portal, and it is also possible to add manual lines if something needs to be adjusted. An export is then made to send the document on to the financial system where the invoice is created. In the same way as for orders, there are different statuses to be able to easily search among the invoice documents.
  • Manage customers and users. Both customers and Solör's employees can be administered within the customer portal. Employees can have different roles, which means that the authorization to different functions inside the system differs.
  • Administer materials. It is also possible to administer the various materials that customers have as waste and specify the prices for them. There are different regulations, and it is controlled per customer which materials that customer has for their waste.

Solör kundportal

Clear for employees

The new customer portal with the digitized solution means that it is easier for the person collecting the waste because it becomes clear what that driver should collect and how much the customer has estimated it to be. When the driver has collected the waste, the information is updated with the number of transports and the final quantity is entered in the portal and the date it was carried out so that the invoicing is correct. Depending on the material, the correct waste codes are also displayed in the customer portal, which makes it easier for Solör when the waste is reported to the authorities.

The customer portal has facilitated the work process and we have gained better control. We get a good overview of the waste warehouse and can be more efficient in our daily work, says Atle Strand, Site Manager at Solör Bioenergi Utility Solutions.

The customer portal is built as a responsive page so that it should work well either on a tablet, mobile or desktop. Before waste management was digitized, a lot of work was done with paper and Excel. The new solution is not only easier for the customer and the driver, but also facilitates invoicing. Controls can be made easier, and it becomes a more efficient way of working. It has facilitated the flow for the employees at Solör and is also appreciated by the customers.

As a customer of another customer portal developed by 3bits, we felt confident that they would be able to solve the needs we had for Solör when we needed to digitize our process. The collaboration continues with further development of new functionality in the portal, concludes Atle Strand.

Solör Bioenergi
