
3bits Hackathon December 8

On December 8, we will once again have 3bits Hackaton in our office in Gothenburg for our co-workers. It will be a full day and we look forward to all exiting ideas that will come to our R&D department.

Participate in a Study about Digital B2B Commerce

As partners with Litium and Svensk Digital Handel, we are now inviting you to participate in this years’ edition of the study “Svensk B2B-handel” – about the forces and challenges of digital commerce business-to-business (B2B).

Developer with Interest in new Technology to 3bits

Do you want to learn more about Elasticsearch, Azure or Docker? We constantly evaluate new technology, and those are a few of the techniques that we are currently using in projects. We are a technically focused company who like innovation with Hackathon Days and R&D thinking to continue to drive the development of e-commerce forward.

D-Fokus B2B 2017

D-Fokus B2B, arranged by Svensk Digital Handel, moves to Svenska Mässan in Gothenburg, where it will be a full day with focus on B2B commerce on November 9.

3bits at MS Ignite 2017

Erik, Peter, Daniel, Yanling, and Cecilia are attending MS Ignite in Orlando this week. They say that there are lots of exiting sessions with focus on Azure, IoT, and Xamarin.

Emeet in Gothenburg September 14

On September 14, it is once again time for Emeet, this time the 13th edition, and the conference returns to Gothenburg after the success in 2016.

Lindex Awarded Omnichannel of the Year

At SEBC on May 18, Lindex was awarded Omnichannel of the Year. A proof of successful work that has been carried out for a long time where technology and the soft values cooperate. If a product is out in a store, the staff can order it to the customer, the flexibility of deliveries, and store balance online are just a few of the things in the omnichannel mindset.