
Apptus and 3bits Join Forces in an Enterprising Union

Apptus eSales uses AI and machine powered learning to optimize e-retailers product display, putting more relevant items in front of the consumer and allowing the retailer to customize and sort items how they think best.

Pre D-Congress 2021

On March 11, the live broadcast Pre D-Congress will take place. Swedish Digital Trade and Swedish Trade, together with some of the leading players from trade in Sweden, offer insights and knowledge of how we create a common agenda for growth and sustainable innovation.

Punchout solution for e-commerce via purchasing systems

Many companies today require that an order go through their own purchasing system and then a so-called punchout solution can be a way to simplify purchasing for this type of customer. Punchout is a technology that enables purchasing systems to collaborate with e-commerce stores.

Record increase for e-commerce in December

Postnord, in collaboration with Svensk Digital Handel and HUI Research, released the e-barometer for December 2020, where we could see that December was the record month that many of us anticipated. With an increase of 50% compared to December 2019, the year was closed with the highest growth for any month in 2020.

E-commerce at a fixed monthly cost

We have developed an arrangement where we can offer a fully customized and integrated e-commerce solution based on Litium, Omnium, Bizzkit or nopCommerce at a fixed rental cost per month. In this arrangement, you rent the solution for a 3-year agreement and the price includes the entire basic project, ongoing fixes and adjustments for, for example, new browser requirements or legal requirements.

3bits supports Musikhjälpen 2020

We at 3bits think that it is obvious that no human being should be left without care. Yet so many around the world lack basic health care. Help us to support Musikhjälpen 2020 and Radiohjälpen together, feel free to contribute what you can, your commitment saves lives.

inRiver partner for better product information

During the year, we at 3bits became a partner with inRiver, who is a leading supplier of PIM systems. We look forward to several exciting PIM projects together to continue to develop the partnership and our customers' business. Contact us and we will tell you more about how the handling of product information can be simplified.

Do you need to get started quickly with e-commerce?

As more and more of us in Sweden are asked to avoid physical stores, the need to get started quickly with an e-commerce solution increases if you are not already there. Or it needs to be improved to grow with you.

Customer portals - a web solution with benefits and possibilities

We at 3bits have extensive experience of developing customer portals for our customers. At a time when more and more digitalization is taking place, customer portals in various forms are appearing in more and more areas. They also become more functional. A customer portal is available 24/7 in the same way as e-commerce. We often talk about building solutions that will simplify everyday life for our customers and their customers. This is exactly the case with a customer portal.