E-commerce at a fixed monthly cost

We have developed an arrangement where we can offer a fully customized and integrated e-commerce solution based on Litium, Omnium, Bizzkit or nopCommerce at a fixed rental cost per month. In this arrangement, you rent the solution for a 3-year agreement and the price includes the entire basic project, ongoing fixes and adjustments for, for example, new browser requirements or legal requirements.

We update the underlying platform continuously as long as there are minor versions. Major versions are updated every three years. Operation and support are also included in the price. What is extra is if you as a customer want to add additional functions to the system if, for example, you make a change or upgrade of the business system that requires the integration to be rebuilt.

The idea with this offer is that you as a customer should get security and safety around the cost every month. We guarantee to keep e-commerce up and running and keep it up-to-date, without any surprises about cost. This is not applicable to exactly all cases, but several can use this approach.

Contact us and we will tell you more about our offer of an e-commerce solution at a fixed monthly cost and what benefits this model can have for you.

3bits Smart Start

We can now offer a package, 3bits Smart Start, which is a modern and customer-unique e-commerce solution based on one of the market-leading platforms Litium, Omnium, Norce, nopCommerce or Bizzkit at an attractive fixed price. You choose whether you want to use our own storefront, 3bits Blueprint, or the platform's basic site. We deliver a safe and reliable project - you get a fully functional e-commerce with many smart functions. By using the basics of the site and platform, there is an immediate saving.

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