New projects on 3bits Blueprint for e-commerce and customer portal

In order to offer a basis for e-commerce projects or customer portals, we have created 3bits Blueprint. Thanks to a well-thought-out packaging that covers a large part of the standard needs you usually have, we can keep the price of the solution down.

E-commerce set for the future

We at 3bits have developed a storefront for you who want lightning-fast performance and a modern site to start from when you lay the foundation for your e-commerce venture. If you want to get started quickly, 3bits Blueprint is the solution for you. By using the basics of the site and platform, there is an immediate saving.

Blueprint is like a shell with finished UX for the most important of e-commerce's traditional functions such as:

  • User-friendly search function
  • Filtering of products
  • Shopping cart
  • Favorites list
  • Customer login and registration

We have started from a composable approach where you can combine different components to create the functionality you want. Composable Commerce enables a scalable and flexible solution that can be developed entirely according to the needs of the business. With replaceable parts, it is easier to adapt the solution for the future. Most likely, you want your store front independent from the platform so that it is done from the ground up precisely so that parts can be replaced.

In practice, 3bits Blueprint works against all e-commerce platforms that have a full-fledged REST API, but we have prepared integrations for Omnium, Norce, Bizzkit, Litium and nopCommerce.

You own the solution and we can add the SaaS services you want, such as PIM, ERP, DAM, search and personalization. If you want advice on what suits your business best, we can also help with that.

SC Styling

SC Styling is launched this year and uses 3bits Blueprint for e-commerce. As an e-commerce platform, Omnium is used and Sanity is used as CMS.

A standardized customer portal that becomes unique​

In order to be able to offer a standardized customer portal and keep costs down, we have focused on a basic architecture and user management as well as an entity type in 3bits Blueprint for customer portal. You can choose to expand with the entity types that are relevant to your own business.

The customer portal itself can look very different depending on the needs of the company's customers and users. It can be everything from managing invoices, tracking orders, calculating prices, booking resources and following up on projects.

Before the project, we make a specification and information design together. We retrieve all menu options and pages to be displayed and retrieve the source data for these pages such as reports and structured data. The result is a complete project proposal that is ready to be developed.

Solör Bioenergi

Solör Bioenergi Utility Solutions uses 3bits Blueprint for customer portal for its solution launched earlier this year.

Operation and additional services

We have no monthly or per user license fees. The basic price includes customization of color and form, standard integration and system setup. If you want to make more adjustments, this will be added.

There are a number of different services we offer as add-ons. Among other things, data migration, integration with CMS and link conservation at fixed prices. For the customer portal, for example, there are more entity types as options and integrating down to underlying systems or downloading, for example, PDF from another system.

We can be responsible for the operation of the e-commerce or the customer portal, either with us at 3bits or in Azure.

Once the project is completed, the solution is owned by you and can be further developed, by us or in-house, just as you wish. We deliver a safe and reliable project - you get a fully functional e-commerce or customer portal with many smart functions.