On November 12, it is time for the labour fair DatE-IT this year at Chalmers in Gothenburg. It gives companies and about 2,000 students with the particular orientations Computer Science, Electro Science, and Information Technology the opportunity to meet and network.
The three previous fairs we have attended have been very successful since we have met competent students who have chosen to complete their graduation projects with us. We look forward to the fair one more time. Two years ago we met Alexander Lundgren at DatE-IT, who got a job offer after his graduation project at 3bits, and is now employed as a developer with us. We have also employeed several students who perrformed their Master Thesis with us this year.
Several employees at 3bits have their academic background at Chalmers, and it is always interesting to get in touch with students with the same passion for technology as we have, don’t hesitate to contact us at jobb@3bits.se.