Internationalization of your e-commerce, Take the Step out to the World, Part 4

In the previous article about internationalization, we discussed things to have in mind when it comes to deliveries and customs. In this final part of the series of articles, I will mention a few things about organization, time, and how the launch can be handled.


How is your Organization Affected?

Well, how is your organization affected by an internationalization of your e-commerce?

More orders lead to more work with logistics. More cases with several payment and delivery options, can lead to more work in the warehouse. Try to find a solution to avoid more complicated work.

More orders lead to more work at customer service. It is hard to avoid more work as a result of more payment and delivery options. It is therefore important to plan for more work.

Can you handle a huge success? Set up a plan for how a success will be handled. Maybe put the break on new orders. Can you increase the number of staff at the warehouse? Figure this out before the launch.


It takes time to plan a carry out an internationalization of an e-commerce. A lot of things require answers from other parties, and a large part of the organization has to be involved, which leads to waiting hours. Make a realistic plan. Keep a high pace, but don’t stress.

Pilot Phase

I think that a pilot phase with a known reference group, or a small target group is very informative. Don’t trust that things “should” work. Try sending real products, and try returns.

It is easier to adjust inaccuracies during a pilot phase, before it goes live. A pilot phase makes a launch better in total.


Soft Launch or Big Boom, how you should launch is up to you and depend on the marketing strategy.

The pilot phase is more important if you go for the big boom. Consider that you should be able to handle a success without a slow site, or poor deliveries.

A few Words to get you Started

The potential is huge with an internationalization, so it is definitely worth all the hard work.

Bring in experts in the different areas. It takes to much time to figure everything out by yourself. You have probably already contact with some, and they have partners who can assist in the journey.

The possibilities are enormous:

  • Sweden 9 M.
  • The Nordic Countries 25 M.
  • Europe 730 M.

Good luck, and if you have any questions or thought, don’t hesitate to contact us!